
What on earth is Extreme Ironing?

What began as a “performance art” in Europe in the late 90’s, quickly shifted into the most ironic sporting hurrah of the early 2000’s. From posing at the great heights of Mount Everest to diving the depths of the ocean, ironing boards seemed to have no limits. Yet the sport itself was niche and never reached the larger pool of potential American enthusiasts as it did in Europe. Which is probably why many of you haven’t heard of it before. And unfortunately, as a decade has passed since its emergence, the excitement of this incredible sport has all but been smoothed over.

But not for me.

Three years ago I was introduced to this extreme sport and was quickly hooked. Since those three years I have ironed my way through 4 continents, 8 countries, and 4 states. I intentionally try and use boards from the place I am at, always requesting a personal story to go along with the adventure. Extreme Ironing for me began as a one time adventure to Stonehenge. However it has emerged as a lifestyle choice, a growing performance art, and (hopefully with support and enthusiasm from people like you) a lifelong travel project for a girl and her ironing board.

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Where it all began… Stonehenge, UK 2014